Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Commémoration de la libération de Lessines

Les photos de la commémoration de la libération de Lessines, ce samedi 26 septembre 2009, sont disponibles ici:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Error in ALUI Collaboration Server when subscriptions contain deleted users

Recently, we encountered a problem when a user wanted to register other users in Collaboration Server for notifications. The error message was not very helpful, and I could not find a lot of info in collaboration.log nor in the PTSpy trace. The Oracle support helped me find the culprit: there was a discrepancy between the subscribed users in the CNS database, and the current users in the Portal DB. Apparently, when a user is deleted from the portal, there are items that remain in the collab and notification databases, and they cause Collab to crash...

To clean the leftovers in this case:


This script is run on the CNS database, Plumtree is the name of the portal DB, and dbo is the owner of the table.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Joyce & Jérôme

Mariage de Joyce & Jérôme, des amis à Marie-Eve, le samedi 29 août 2009. Mais cette fois, je n'étais pas photographe, juste invité...

Mes photos sont ici:

En cadeau bonus, une petit vidéo lors du lancer de colombes...

Joyce & Jérôme - Lancer de colombes from Frédéric Mauroy on Vimeo.